A recent review of our structural and billet train loading operations is paying dividends in cost savings and improved efficiencies.
Previously, our Materials Handling and Dispatch (MHD) team would operate structural train loading 24 hours a day – averaging 417 equipment hours each month, while an external team would operate billet train loading using 168 equipment hours.
Due to the similar nature and skill set needed for both loading operations, the MHD team saw the potential for making the most of these synergies – improving efficiency and increasing productivity.
To ensure a smooth transition to in-sourcing the billet train loading operations, thorough training assessments were conducted and the MHD team received additional training in advanced loader operations.
This CI initiative was a real team effort, with Martin Vigar, Daniel Schmidt, Peter Heading, Trevor Castle, Noel Goldsworthy, Brian Mclauchlan, Brett MacDonald, Brad Prince and Dave Harrison working closely together to bring about the change.
The newly integrated loading operations is expected to save about $333,000 each year.