Latest Past Events

GFG Alliance Christmas Pageant

Civic Park whyalla

The annual Christmas on the Avenue event is set to return to Whyalla on Saturday 14 December, with a fun-filled day of Christmas festivities! The day will begin with the GFG Alliance […]

Pellet Plant shutdown

SIMEC Mining is undertaking maintenance of its Pelletising plant for its annual cold shut down Aimed at improving the performance and reliability of the plant, the work will commence at 12:00pm on Saturday 13th August 2022 and is expected to take 35 days to complete. The works, which involve approximately 350 contractors and employees, will allow […]

Pellet Plant shutdown

SIMEC Mining's Pellet Plant is having an extended hot shutdown to allow for major maintenance work to be completed on the filter press units and upgrades on one filter press. While the work will significantly improve the performance of the plant over the longer term, the shutdown may also result in: ➢ the potential for […]